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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Devils in me

Today is Thursday and according to my religion (Islam and I'm happy to be one) tonight is the most beautiful night. We are encouraged to cherish the night by reciting Surah Yassin after we perform Maghrib prayer. Alhamdulillah, I managed to recite the surah tonight.

in so much struggle.

I started yawning once I started reciting the first verse!
I barely can open my eyes while reciting it - I was so damn sleepy!
I slapped my face every now and then only to STAY AWAKE.
And after I finally finished reciting everything, I snored like a pig for nearly two hours!

The Devils really have done a great job here.

Dear Allah, please forgive me.

I wonder how they do Qiamulail. I respect them a lot.

ps: Let's be grateful that God doesn't really punish ungrateful devotees right away!


spell it out!